Host Milano is confirmed as a European exhibition hub for the international promotion of Italian excellence.


“The bet to meet again in person has proved successful – comments Luca Palermo, CEO and General Manager of Fiera Milano -. There was a great desire to do business live, as evidenced by the meetings of over 150,000 visitors with more than 2,700 companies. Together with the new agreements signed by Fiera Milano, this liveliness strengthens the supply chain approach that the Italian agri-food and hospitality ecosystem needs and away from home to present itself abroad in an organic way “.

Crowded aisles and lively exchanges at the stands consolidate fieramilano’s growing role as a European exhibition hub and a driving force for internationalization for Italian companies of all sizes. A continuous and organic strategy, as evidenced by the constant increase in international buyers, also in collaboration with ICE Agenzia.


Our Tieffe stand at Host Milano 2021

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During the fair, the new Tieffe laundry line of professional detergents and additives was presented, a novelty for cleaning and care of fabrics.